5 Things Your Occupational Therapist Wants You to Know Prior to Treatment

by | Dec 2, 2019 | Chiropractic

The goal of every occupational therapist is to help patients get back to their regular daily activities as smoothly as possible. For many clients seeking occupational therapy near Riverdale NJ, it’s important to understand the unique role of these healthcare professionals and why operate the way that they do.

Before meeting for your first session, below are a few points occupational therapists want their patients to keep in mind.

Occupational Therapy is Different From Physical Therapy

Many patients confuse occupational and physical therapy as they are very similar. However, while physical therapy focuses on improving the client’s ability to perform body movements, occupational therapy focuses on improving the client’s ability to perform in nearly every aspect of daily living. An example of this would be a former basketball player with a severely injured leg wanting to adjust to a new environment and new way of exercising as he recovers from his injury.

Treatment Continues Even After You Complete Your Program

Many clients feel that once they’ve reached a certain point in their treatment program that they are “finished” and no longer need to continue the exercises and techniques they’ve learned. However, it’s important to still maintain the habits and disciplines taught by occupational therapists even after rehabilitation.

It’s More Than Just Exercise

Occupational therapy aims to improve independence and self-sufficiency for its patients. Therapists also work with their clients to find alternatives that will provide ongoing assistance even after treatment. Examples of these alternatives include instruments that assist with putting on socks or a grabber for hard-to-reach places.

Your Treatment Program is Focused On Every Day Living

Rehabilitation will be different for each patient. One client’s desire may be to find an alternative way to cook for themselves following an injury, while another may wish to find assistance with putting on certain items of clothing. Occupational therapy aims to identify and implement ways to improve independence depending on the individual patient’s needs.

Your Goals Are Yours to Define

Your occupational therapist is going to go at your pace based on the parameters that you set. It’s important to be honest about what your goals are following your treatment plan so that your therapists can provide you with the assistance and guidance that you need.

There are even more tips and tricks to consider when looking for occupational therapy near Riverdale NJ. Contact Advanced Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy and start your treatment today!

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