If you’re dealing with multiple skin lesions, whether those areas are becoming problematic or symptomatic of cancerous lesions, or perhaps your dermatologist is concerned about precancerous lesions, PDT Treatment in Minneapolis MN might be a good option for you. If you have never heard of this treatment, you’ll be happy to know that there are many different benefits that come from treating areas of the skin with this method. Here are a few things to understand.
PDT stands for photo dynamic therapy, and this is a way of activating specific medications and treatments for skin lesions with light. These medications typically include photosynthesized molecules that are activated when exposed to light, which helps to treat skin conditions on various areas of the body.
In terms of the benefits, these types of treatments can be very effective for large areas of the skin, especially those that may have problematic lesions. On top of its effectiveness, it is easily tolerated as opposed to other types of Dermatological Treatment methods in the fact that these treatments can be done very quickly, very conveniently and the healing involved in these treatments is much quicker than traditional skin treatments for questionable or dangerous skin lesions.
However, it’s important to understand that not everyone is a candidate for these types of treatments. If you have heard about PDT Treatment in Minneapolis MN and you are considering it for areas of your skin that are or could be proven to be problematic, you’ll need to speak with a dedicated dermatologist. In most cases, most people are good candidates for this treatment.
However, some issues that might preclude you from this treatment is if you have skin that is extremely sensitive to light, or you have skin that burns extremely easily when exposed to the sun. You’ll also have to stay out of the sunlight for 24 to 48 hours after the treatment. If you’re unable to do this, you may not be a good candidate.
To determine your eligibility for these types of treatments, it’s best speak with a dermatologist at Academic Dermatology. You can explain your situation, they can determine your eligibility and if you’re eligible, you can begin PDT treatments as soon as possible for any potentially dangerous or dangerous skin lesions that currently exist.